Getting started#

Genja is distributed on PyPI. Instructions for installing and using Genja are given below.


Download and install Python from or from Anaconda at After installing Python, create and activate a virtual environment as shown below:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install the Genja package in your Python environment using pip:

pip install genja

Check the installed version from the command line:

genja --version


Before running genja, create a project structure as shown below. The content directory contains Markdown files that are used to generate HTML files. The templates directory contains Jinja templates that are used to render the HTML pages. The docs directory contains the built website which can be hosted with GitHub Pages. Lastly, the config.json defines the URLs and directories for the project.

├── content/
├── templates/
├── docs/
└── config.json

The items in the config.json are shown below. The base_url is the URL for the homepage of the website. Markdown files that are parsed by Genja are located in the input_dir directory. The HTML files generated from Genja are located in the output_dir directory. Static content such as images and CSS files should go in the output directory.

    "base_url": "",
    "input_dir": "content",
    "output_dir": "docs"

Use the serve command to build the website and start a local server. This will automatically open the default web browser to view the website. The website will automatically reload when changes are saved to the Markdown files.

genja serve

Use the build command to build the website without running a local server.

genja build